Virtual CIO Services

The Importance of Strategy

With the vital role that technology plays in helping businesses fulfill their operations and objectives, it would only make sense that an Information Technology plan would be in place, and that it would keep in alignment with the overall strategic plan of the business. The old saying that “most people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan” is very true in the world of technology management and a major reason why so many businesses struggle with knowing and making the right decisions on how to use and support technology for their organization. Many companies with a plan still fail because of unclear communications of the plan, lack of ownership and accountability of the plan, undefined expectations, and/or having goals and objectives that are not measurable. The result is a frustration with technology planning in general, and an operation that flounders because of the lack of direction and control of their IT initiatives. This is where Elect’s vCIO and Strategic IT Consulting services come to the rescue.

Elect IT Solutions’
 vCIO Service Benefits

Our Virtual CIO (vCIO) service is specifically built to help businesses build, implement, and maintain a strategic vision and plan for their technology operations. While we employ our relationship approach to give our clients a single and recurring point of relationship contact for this strategic service, it is backed by a team of experts and professionals who are experienced in all phases of technology management as well as strategic planning. Our vCIO service can be customized based on the size and objectives of our clients’ organization. The core services that are provided are:

  • Technology Assessment
  • Findings and Recommendations Review
  • IT Plan and Vision Building
  • IT Plan Business Alignment and Implementation
  • Vendor/Contract Management
  • Security and Compliance Management
  • Dedicated Portal for Communication and Documentation Sharing
  • Monthly Meetings for IT Plan Progress Review

The benefit and goal of our vCIO service is a strategic and trusted partnership that allows us to continually drive cost efficiencies and business alignment of your technology initiatives. Many organizations’ IT environments currently reside in a condition of chaotic and reactive IT.  Our goal is to transition your IT to where it is truly a service that provides business value, as opposed to just cost and chaos. Whether you choose to leverage our vCIO service or just want on-demand strategic IT assistance, our mission of continuous improvement and putting your IT in the green remains the same.

Managed IT

IT Staffing

Technology & Security Assessments

Voip Telephony

On Demand IT Services

You’re in the right place

Let us handle your IT needs while you focus on running your business

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